
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Metastases To Bone 29.3%
Breast Cancer 15.1%
Multiple Myeloma 10.0%
Prostate Cancer 9.4%
Osteoporosis 5.4%
Bone Sarcoma 4.0%
Prophylaxis 3.7%
Bone Disorder 3.5%
Breast Cancer Metastatic 3.2%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 2.9%
Hypertension 2.8%
Pneumonia 1.7%
Pain 1.5%
Plasmacytoma 1.4%
Renal Cancer 1.2%
Chemotherapy 1.1%
Osteosarcoma 1.1%
Ewing's Sarcoma 1.0%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 1.0%
Nausea 0.8%
Osteonecrosis Of Jaw 39.1%
Osteonecrosis 10.4%
Tooth Extraction 9.4%
Pain In Jaw 5.4%
Wound Closure 4.4%
Toothache 4.0%
Neoplasm Malignant 3.0%
Pain 3.0%
Vomiting 2.7%
Pyrexia 2.0%
Sequestrectomy 2.0%
Weight Decreased 2.0%
Stem Cell Transplant 1.7%
Surgery 1.7%
Swelling 1.7%
Tooth Loss 1.7%
Vitamin D Decreased 1.7%
Death 1.3%
Neoplasm Progression 1.3%
Pathological Fracture 1.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 15.7%
Multiple Myeloma 15.2%
Breast Cancer Metastatic 9.4%
Metastases To Bone 9.4%
Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma 7.4%
Metastases To Liver 7.4%
Prostate Cancer 6.5%
Breast Cancer 6.0%
Bone Disorder 4.9%
Prophylaxis 2.9%
Hypertension 2.7%
Osteoporosis 2.5%
Thrombosis 2.2%
Bone Sarcoma 1.8%
Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma 1.3%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 1.1%
Cellulitis 0.9%
Colorectal Cancer Metastatic 0.9%
Osteolysis 0.9%
Pain 0.9%
Osteonecrosis Of Jaw 22.3%
Osteonecrosis 11.6%
Weight Decreased 9.8%
Pain In Jaw 6.3%
Rash 5.4%
Toxicity To Various Agents 5.4%
Toothache 4.5%
Pain 3.6%
Sequestrectomy 3.6%
Tooth Extraction 3.6%
Tooth Loss 3.6%
Ulcer 3.6%
Vomiting 3.6%
Weight Bearing Difficulty 2.7%
Neoplasm Progression 1.8%
Pyrexia 1.8%
Renal Failure 1.8%
Renal Impairment 1.8%
Swelling 1.8%
Tooth Infection 1.8%
Prophylaxis 13.3%
Multiple Myeloma 12.1%
Pain 11.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 6.6%
Constipation 5.9%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 5.9%
Breast Cancer 5.1%
Nausea 5.1%
Back Pain 3.9%
Breast Cancer Metastatic 3.9%
Hypertension 3.5%
Osteoporosis 3.5%
Metastases To Bone 3.1%
Vomiting 2.7%
Abdominal Pain 2.3%
Colon Cancer 2.3%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 2.3%
Neuroendocrine Tumour 2.3%
Prophylactic Chemotherapy 2.3%
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2.3%
Weight Increased 10.2%
Osteonecrosis Of Jaw 8.2%
Pulmonary Embolism 8.2%
Thrombocytopenia 8.2%
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 8.2%
Pericardial Effusion 6.1%
Skin Haemorrhage 6.1%
Vomiting 6.1%
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection 4.1%
Neutropenic Sepsis 4.1%
Pain In Extremity 4.1%
Plasmacytoma 4.1%
Pulmonary Fibrosis 4.1%
Transient Ischaemic Attack 4.1%
Urinary Tract Infection 4.1%
Anaemia 2.0%
B-cell Lymphoma Stage I 2.0%
Blood Product Transfusion Dependent 2.0%
Bone Disorder 2.0%
Bronchopneumonia 2.0%