
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Colorectal Cancer Metastatic 31.4%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 15.4%
Metastatic Neoplasm 7.7%
Neoplasm 7.7%
Colorectal Cancer 7.1%
Metastatic Colon Cancer 3.8%
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 3.8%
Colon Cancer 3.2%
Colon Cancer Metastatic 3.2%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 3.2%
Hypertension 2.6%
Pain 2.6%
Blood Pressure 1.9%
Metastatic Gastric Cancer 1.9%
Carcinoid Tumour 1.3%
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 0.6%
Arthralgia 0.6%
Arthritis 0.6%
Carcinoid Tumour Of The Caecum 0.6%
Colon Cancer Stage Iv 0.6%
Death 8.3%
Sepsis 8.3%
Stomatitis 8.3%
Diarrhoea 6.3%
Disease Progression 6.3%
Hypertension 6.3%
Proteinuria 6.3%
Thrombocytopenia 6.3%
Vomiting 6.3%
Adverse Event 4.2%
Dyspnoea 4.2%
Mucosal Inflammation 4.2%
Neutropenia 4.2%
Pyrexia 4.2%
Skin Discolouration 4.2%
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage 4.2%
Abdominal Pain Upper 2.1%
Accidental Exposure To Product 2.1%
Anal Ulcer 2.1%
Angiopathy 2.1%
Colorectal Cancer Metastatic 30.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 22.9%
Metastatic Neoplasm 8.2%
Neoplasm 8.2%
Colon Cancer Metastatic 7.5%
Colon Cancer 6.2%
Colorectal Cancer 4.1%
Metastatic Colon Cancer 2.1%
Metastatic Gastric Cancer 2.1%
Anaemia 1.4%
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 1.4%
Lung Neoplasm Malignant 1.0%
Pain 1.0%
Constipation 0.7%
Epilepsy 0.7%
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease 0.7%
Hypertension 0.7%
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer 0.3%
Diabetes Mellitus 0.3%
Metastasis 0.3%
Osteonecrosis Of Jaw 11.5%
Cerebral Haemorrhage 8.2%
Sepsis 8.2%
Vomiting 8.2%
Disease Progression 4.9%
Hypersensitivity 4.9%
Hypertension 4.9%
Neutropenia 4.9%
Pyrexia 4.9%
Stomatitis 4.9%
Transient Ischaemic Attack 4.9%
Blood Pressure Increased 3.3%
Colitis 3.3%
Diarrhoea 3.3%
Haemorrhage 3.3%
Intestinal Perforation 3.3%
Oedema Peripheral 3.3%
Proteinuria 3.3%
Rash 3.3%
Skin Exfoliation 3.3%
Colorectal Cancer 60.0%
Arthralgia 20.0%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 20.0%
Ulcer Haemorrhage 100.0%