
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Product Used For Unknown Indication 25.8%
Prostate Cancer 24.2%
Breast Cancer 14.9%
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 4.8%
Endometriosis 3.6%
Hypertension 3.6%
Osteoporosis 3.6%
Breast Cancer Female 2.8%
Hypercholesterolaemia 2.4%
Prophylaxis 2.4%
Diabetes Mellitus 1.6%
Precocious Puberty 1.6%
Constipation 1.2%
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 1.2%
Pain 1.2%
Paraphilia 1.2%
Sexual Abuse 1.2%
Adrenogenital Syndrome 0.8%
Cardiac Disorder 0.8%
In Vitro Fertilisation 0.8%
Fracture 14.9%
Death 6.4%
Depression 6.4%
Hot Flush 6.4%
Pulmonary Embolism 6.4%
Sepsis 6.4%
Thrombocytopenia 6.4%
Arthralgia 4.3%
Depressed Mood 4.3%
Fall 4.3%
Fatigue 4.3%
Osteoporosis 4.3%
Skin Infection 4.3%
Syncope 4.3%
Unintended Pregnancy 4.3%
Weight Decreased 4.3%
Alopecia 2.1%
Anaemia 2.1%
Angina Pectoris 2.1%
Asthenia 2.1%
Prostate Cancer 41.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 28.6%
Blood Testosterone Increased 6.3%
Breast Cancer 3.2%
Cardiac Disorder 3.2%
Diabetes Mellitus 3.2%
Paraphilia 3.2%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 3.2%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 1.6%
Glaucoma 1.6%
Hypertension 1.6%
Metastases To Bone 1.6%
Nail Tinea 1.6%
Death 18.2%
Hot Flush 13.6%
Hospitalisation 9.1%
Pain 9.1%
Pain In Extremity 9.1%
Prostatic Specific Antigen Increased 9.1%
Cellulitis 4.5%
Deep Vein Thrombosis 4.5%
Hallucination 4.5%
Heart Rate Decreased 4.5%
Neoplasm Malignant 4.5%
Skin Lesion 4.5%
Stress Cardiomyopathy 4.5%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 38.3%
Prostate Cancer 21.1%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 12.8%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 6.7%
Metastases To Bone 3.9%
Osteoporosis 3.3%
Pain 2.2%
Emphysema 1.7%
Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer 1.7%
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 1.7%
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1.1%
Hypertension 1.1%
Anxiety 0.6%
Arthralgia 0.6%
Atrial Fibrillation 0.6%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 0.6%
Blood Triglycerides Increased 0.6%
Bone Disorder 0.6%
Breast Cancer Stage Iv 0.6%
Cancer Hormonal Therapy 0.6%
Pneumonia 11.8%
Tooth Extraction 11.8%
Cerebrovascular Accident 8.8%
Pain In Extremity 8.8%
Anaemia 5.9%
Bone Pain 5.9%
Transient Ischaemic Attack 5.9%
Weight Decreased 5.9%
Abdominal Discomfort 2.9%
Anhedonia 2.9%
Aortic Arteriosclerosis 2.9%
Cardiac Failure 2.9%
Chest Discomfort 2.9%
Confusional State 2.9%
Death 2.9%
Disability 2.9%
Disease Progression 2.9%
Dysuria 2.9%
Eye Inflammation 2.9%
Fall 2.9%