Trazodone Hydrochloride

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 23.6%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 19.3%
Depression 16.9%
Insomnia 9.4%
Major Depression 4.3%
Sleep Disorder 3.9%
Diabetes Mellitus 3.1%
Hepatitis C 2.4%
Pain 2.4%
Anxiety 2.0%
Bipolar Disorder 2.0%
Fibromyalgia 2.0%
Multiple Drug Overdose 1.6%
Tachyarrhythmia 1.6%
Agitation 1.2%
Neuropathy Peripheral 1.2%
Back Pain 0.8%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 0.8%
Dyslipidaemia 0.8%
Dyspepsia 0.8%
Respiratory Arrest 30.4%
Serotonin Syndrome 11.4%
Drug Toxicity 6.3%
Completed Suicide 5.1%
Priapism 5.1%
Drug Exposure During Pregnancy 3.8%
Medication Error 3.8%
Pharmaceutical Product Complaint 3.8%
Fall 2.5%
Hyperhidrosis 2.5%
Mental Status Changes 2.5%
Metabolic Encephalopathy 2.5%
Muscle Spasms 2.5%
Myocardial Infarction 2.5%
Necrosis 2.5%
Premature Baby 2.5%
Suicide Attempt 2.5%
Tardive Dyskinesia 2.5%
Thinking Abnormal 2.5%
Thrombocytopenia 2.5%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 30.0%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 24.1%
Depression 10.2%
Insomnia 5.5%
Anxiety 5.5%
Hypertension 4.0%
Pain 3.4%
Bipolar Disorder 3.2%
Mania 1.9%
Hallucination, Auditory 1.8%
Hallucination, Visual 1.8%
Sleep Disorder 1.3%
Migraine 1.1%
Convulsion 1.0%
Foetal Exposure During Pregnancy 1.0%
Asthma 1.0%
Suicide Attempt 0.9%
Drug Abuse 0.8%
Back Pain 0.8%
Bronchitis 0.7%
Death 16.2%
Cardio-respiratory Arrest 11.9%
Completed Suicide 9.5%
Overdose 9.5%
Tachycardia 6.2%
Serotonin Syndrome 5.7%
Suicide Attempt 5.2%
Somnolence 4.8%
Toxicity To Various Agents 4.8%
Drug Hypersensitivity 3.3%
Drug Exposure During Pregnancy 2.9%
Drug Interaction 2.4%
Multiple Drug Overdose 2.4%
Pyrexia 2.4%
Sexual Abuse 2.4%
Tremor 2.4%
Vomiting 2.4%
Pulmonary Congestion 1.9%
Respiratory Arrest 1.9%
Restless Legs Syndrome 1.9%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 23.3%
Depression 14.2%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 7.0%
Pain 6.0%
Insomnia 5.9%
Anxiety 4.9%
Sleep Disorder 4.8%
Hypertension 4.7%
Bipolar Disorder 4.4%
Smoking Cessation Therapy 4.0%
Osteoporosis 3.1%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 3.0%
Arthritis 2.0%
Prophylaxis 2.0%
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease 2.0%
Diabetes Mellitus 1.9%
Schizophrenia 1.9%
Back Pain 1.8%
Asthma 1.6%
Multiple Myeloma 1.6%
Vomiting 12.7%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 11.9%
Nausea 8.5%
Weight Increased 7.9%
Weight Decreased 7.7%
Pain 5.6%
Tremor 4.6%
Urinary Tract Infection 4.0%
Insomnia 3.9%
Somnolence 3.8%
Suicidal Ideation 3.5%
Vision Blurred 3.5%
Myocardial Infarction 3.3%
Wound Dehiscence 3.1%
Headache 2.8%
Pain In Extremity 2.8%
Drug Ineffective 2.6%
Product Quality Issue 2.6%
Wheezing 2.6%
Death 2.5%
Schizophrenia 17.9%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 14.9%
Aggression 11.9%
Depression 9.0%
Insomnia 9.0%
Pain 7.5%
Diabetes Mellitus 6.0%
Fibromyalgia 3.0%
Hypertension 3.0%
Paranoia 3.0%
Anxiety 1.5%
Back Pain 1.5%
Bipolar Disorder 1.5%
Blood Cholesterol 1.5%
Convulsion 1.5%
Dementia Alzheimer's Type 1.5%
Hypothyroidism 1.5%
Neck Pain 1.5%
Panic Attack 1.5%
Pituitary Tumour Benign 1.5%
Drug Interaction 23.8%
Serotonin Syndrome 14.3%
Drug Level Increased 9.5%
Pyrexia 9.5%
Sedation 9.5%
Haemodynamic Instability 4.8%
Pain In Extremity 4.8%
Panic Attack 4.8%
Respiratory Failure 4.8%
Somnolence 4.8%
Syncope 4.8%
White Blood Cell Count Increased 4.8%