
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Bladder Cancer 87.2%
Immunisation 4.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 2.9%
Accidental Exposure 2.5%
Hypertension 2.1%
Accidental Exposure To Product 0.8%
Bladder Pain 0.4%
Pyrexia 32.6%
Weight Decreased 11.6%
Sepsis 7.8%
Chills 3.9%
Incorrect Dose Administered 3.1%
Myalgia 3.1%
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Test Positive 3.1%
Renal Failure 3.1%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 3.1%
Sepsis Syndrome 3.1%
Temperature Intolerance 3.1%
Tongue Oedema 3.1%
Urinary Tract Infection 3.1%
Bovine Tuberculosis 2.3%
Cystitis Bacterial 2.3%
Dysuria 2.3%
Oedema Peripheral 2.3%
Orchitis 2.3%
Tinnitus 2.3%
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 2.3%
Bladder Cancer 94.7%
Immunisation 5.3%
Pyrexia 21.5%
Temperature Intolerance 11.8%
Weight Decreased 11.8%
Dysuria 7.5%
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Test Positive 6.5%
Micturition Urgency 5.4%
Urethritis 4.3%
Urticaria 4.3%
Cystitis Bacterial 3.2%
Oedema Peripheral 3.2%
Urinary Tract Infection 3.2%
Hyperhidrosis 2.2%
Joint Swelling 2.2%
Sepsis 2.2%
Serum Sickness 2.2%
Skin Discolouration 2.2%
Tremor 2.2%
White Blood Cell Count Decreased 2.2%
Bovine Tuberculosis 1.1%
Incorrect Dose Administered 1.1%
Bladder Cancer 100.0%
Rash 100.0%