Tapentadol Hydrochloride

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Product Used For Unknown Indication 28.0%
Back Pain 12.2%
Cancer Pain 12.2%
Pain 11.4%
Chemotherapy 6.8%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 5.5%
Arthralgia 2.6%
Hypertension 2.3%
Neuralgia 2.3%
Constipation 2.1%
Fibromyalgia 2.0%
Anorexia 1.8%
Constipation Prophylaxis 1.6%
Insomnia 1.6%
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1.5%
Neuropathy Peripheral 1.5%
Diabetic Neuropathy 1.3%
Gastritis Prophylaxis 1.1%
Hyperuricaemia 1.1%
Nutritional Support 1.1%
Hallucination 15.8%
Interstitial Lung Disease 8.4%
Malignant Neoplasm Progression 7.4%
Dyskinesia 6.3%
Hypertension 6.3%
Abdominal Pain 5.3%
Hand Fracture 5.3%
Pruritus 5.3%
Confusional State 4.2%
Endometrial Cancer 4.2%
Palpitations 4.2%
Tremor 4.2%
Withdrawal Syndrome 4.2%
Dizziness 3.2%
Fall 3.2%
Somnolence 3.2%
Throat Tightness 3.2%
Alopecia 2.1%
Cardiac Failure Congestive 2.1%
Dementia 2.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 20.3%
Back Pain 15.0%
Cancer Pain 14.3%
Arthralgia 9.1%
Chemotherapy 4.9%
Atrial Fibrillation 4.2%
Mitral Valve Incompetence 4.2%
Pain 4.2%
Sick Sinus Syndrome 4.2%
Constipation 2.2%
Diabetic Neuropathy 2.0%
Fibromyalgia 2.0%
Hypertension 2.0%
Neuralgia 1.8%
Constipation Prophylaxis 1.7%
Prophylaxis 1.7%
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1.5%
Endoscopy Small Intestine 1.5%
Glaucoma 1.5%
Hypercholesterolaemia 1.5%
Hypertension 12.0%
Hallucination 10.0%
Interstitial Lung Disease 10.0%
Renal Failure 9.0%
Dizziness 7.0%
Malignant Neoplasm Progression 7.0%
Abdominal Pain 5.0%
Somnolence 5.0%
Withdrawal Syndrome 5.0%
Endometrial Cancer 4.0%
Inappropriate Schedule Of Drug Administration 4.0%
Toxicity To Various Agents 4.0%
Circulatory Collapse 3.0%
Diarrhoea 3.0%
Hypercalcaemia 2.0%
Intestinal Obstruction 2.0%
Intestinal Perforation 2.0%
Myoclonus 2.0%
Renal Failure Acute 2.0%
Tremor 2.0%
Hypertension 10.3%
Metastases To Lung 10.3%
Cancer Pain 9.2%
Pain 8.0%
Bladder Disorder 6.9%
Fluid Replacement 6.9%
Back Pain 5.7%
Constipation 4.6%
Nausea 4.6%
Atrial Fibrillation 3.4%
Breakthrough Pain 3.4%
Medication Dilution 3.4%
Oedema Peripheral 3.4%
Oesophageal Carcinoma 3.4%
Shock 3.4%
Sleep Disorder 3.4%
Cardiac Disorder 2.3%
Colorectal Cancer Metastatic 2.3%
Cystitis Interstitial 2.3%
Fibromyalgia 2.3%
Vomiting 16.7%
Wrong Technique In Drug Usage Process 11.1%
Hemiparesis 5.6%
Inappropriate Schedule Of Drug Administration 5.6%
Intercepted Medication Error 5.6%
Parosmia 5.6%
Patella Fracture 5.6%
Pelvic Fracture 5.6%
Poor Dental Condition 5.6%
Poor Quality Sleep 5.6%
Renal Failure Acute 5.6%
Syncope 5.6%
Urinary Tract Infection 5.6%
Visual Acuity Reduced 5.6%
Weight Increased 5.6%
Pain 100.0%
Urinary Retention 100.0%