Procaterol Hcl

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Bronchitis 22.3%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 19.1%
Upper Respiratory Tract Inflammation 8.5%
Asthma 5.3%
Cough 4.3%
Fluid Replacement 4.3%
Pneumonia Mycoplasmal 4.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 4.3%
Pyrexia 4.3%
Lung Transplant 3.2%
Medication Dilution 3.2%
Cerebral Infarction 2.1%
Emphysema 2.1%
Hypertension 2.1%
Pneumonia 2.1%
Respiratory Disorder 2.1%
Respiratory Tract Infection 2.1%
Vitamin Supplementation 2.1%
Bronchitis Chronic 1.1%
Gastritis 1.1%
Stomatitis 25.0%
Malaise 15.0%
Myalgia 10.0%
Renal Failure Acute 10.0%
Tremor 10.0%
Eosinophilic Pneumonia 5.0%
Heart Rate Increased 5.0%
Rhabdomyolysis 5.0%
Stevens-johnson Syndrome 5.0%
Wheezing 5.0%
White Blood Cell Count Decreased 5.0%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 47.6%
Asthma 14.4%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 6.3%
Infection Prophylaxis 2.9%
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2.9%
Bronchitis 2.5%
Induction Of Anaesthesia 2.3%
Emphysema 2.2%
Lung Transplant 2.2%
Anaesthesia 1.8%
Constipation 1.6%
Ill-defined Disorder 1.6%
Premedication 1.6%
Smoking Cessation Therapy 1.6%
Upper Respiratory Tract Inflammation 1.6%
Gaucher's Disease 1.4%
Hypertension 1.4%
Pneumonia 1.4%
Prophylaxis 1.4%
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1.1%
White Blood Cell Count Increased 9.4%
Platelet Count Decreased 7.8%
Thrombocytopenia 7.8%
Asthma 6.3%
Pyrexia 6.3%
Renal Failure Acute 6.3%
Arteriospasm Coronary 4.7%
Hepatic Pain 4.7%
Oxygen Saturation Decreased 4.7%
Rash 4.7%
Respiratory Failure 4.7%
Upper Respiratory Tract Inflammation 4.7%
Vomiting 4.7%
Weight Increased 4.7%
Alopecia Areata 3.1%
Anaphylactic Reaction 3.1%
Completed Suicide 3.1%
Diarrhoea 3.1%
Drug Ineffective 3.1%
Dyspnoea 3.1%