Opana ER 20MG

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Pain 30.4%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 28.4%
Back Pain 14.5%
Breakthrough Pain 6.8%
Intervertebral Disc Protrusion 3.4%
Arthralgia 2.0%
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1.4%
Drug Abuse 1.4%
Musculoskeletal Pain 1.4%
Neck Pain 1.4%
Neuralgia 1.4%
Pain In Extremity 1.4%
Abdominal Pain 1.0%
Fibromyalgia 1.0%
Insomnia 1.0%
Brain Neoplasm 0.7%
Kyphosis 0.7%
Migraine 0.7%
Muscle Spasms 0.7%
Narcolepsy 0.7%
Medication Residue Present 27.2%
Vomiting 11.7%
Withdrawal Syndrome 11.7%
Drug Screen Positive 6.8%
Malaise 6.8%
Migraine 4.9%
Nausea 4.9%
Drug Abuse 3.9%
Pharyngeal Oedema 2.9%
Somnolence 2.9%
Tremor 2.9%
Insomnia 1.9%
Pain 1.9%
Rash 1.9%
Swollen Tongue 1.9%
Weight Decreased 1.9%
Chills 1.0%
Cholelithiasis 1.0%
Crohn's Disease 1.0%
Depression 1.0%
Pain 14.1%
Intervertebral Disc Protrusion 12.6%
Back Pain 12.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 8.1%
Arthralgia 6.1%
Brain Neoplasm 5.1%
Osteoarthritis 5.1%
Porphyria 5.1%
Spinal Column Stenosis 5.1%
Surgery 4.5%
Breakthrough Pain 3.0%
Fracture 3.0%
Musculoskeletal Pain 3.0%
Spinal Cord Neoplasm 3.0%
Fibromyalgia 2.0%
Insomnia 2.0%
Pain In Extremity 2.0%
Knee Operation 1.5%
Neck Pain 1.5%
Anxiety 1.0%
Medication Residue Present 22.2%
Vomiting 13.3%
No Adverse Event 8.9%
Depression 6.7%
Withdrawal Syndrome 6.7%
Drug Screen Positive 4.4%
Nausea 4.4%
Syncope 4.4%
Tremor 4.4%
Chills 2.2%
Fall 2.2%
Gastrointestinal Disorder 2.2%
Insomnia 2.2%
Muscle Tightness 2.2%
Nephrolithiasis 2.2%
Palpitations 2.2%
Pneumonia 2.2%
Sleep Disorder 2.2%
Terminal State 2.2%
Thyroid Neoplasm 2.2%
Pain 27.7%
Back Pain 17.9%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 15.2%
Breakthrough Pain 7.1%
Intervertebral Disc Protrusion 7.1%
Arthralgia 5.4%
Musculoskeletal Pain 5.4%
Neck Pain 3.6%
Pain In Extremity 3.6%
Abdominal Pain 1.8%
Kyphosis 1.8%
Neuralgia 1.8%
Insomnia 0.9%
Muscle Spasms 0.9%
Medication Residue Present 20.0%
Vomiting 11.4%
Withdrawal Syndrome 11.4%
Inappropriate Schedule Of Drug Administration 5.7%
No Adverse Event 5.7%
Weight Decreased 5.7%
Drug Effect Decreased 2.9%
Drug Effect Delayed 2.9%
Drug Ineffective 2.9%
Drug Interaction 2.9%
Feeling Abnormal 2.9%
Insomnia 2.9%
Malaise 2.9%
Medication Residue 2.9%
Migraine 2.9%
Myoclonus 2.9%
Nausea 2.9%
Palpitations 2.9%
Pruritus 2.9%
Rash Macular 2.9%