Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Human

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Soft Tissue Disorder 42.2%
Surgery 17.2%
Ligament Operation 10.3%
Tendon Graft 6.9%
Transplant 5.2%
Therapeutic Procedure 3.4%
Knee Operation 2.6%
Medical Device Implantation 1.7%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 1.7%
Rotator Cuff Repair 1.7%
Asthenia 0.9%
Bone Graft 0.9%
Infective Tenosynovitis 0.9%
Joint Dislocation 0.9%
Knee Arthroplasty 0.9%
Ligament Rupture 0.9%
Tendon Operation 0.9%
Tendon Rupture 0.9%
Post Procedural Infection 23.7%
Staphylococcal Infection 10.3%
Infection 9.3%
Graft Infection 6.2%
Staphylococcus Test Positive 5.2%
Swelling 5.2%
Wound Infection Staphylococcal 5.2%
Graft Complication 4.1%
Joint Swelling 4.1%
Pyrexia 4.1%
Arthritis Bacterial 3.1%
Wound Complication 3.1%
Bacterial Infection 2.1%
Bacterial Test Positive 2.1%
Mycobacterium Test Positive 2.1%
Pharmaceutical Product Complaint 2.1%
Post Procedural Complication 2.1%
Postoperative Fever 2.1%
Postoperative Wound Infection 2.1%
Product Quality Issue 2.1%
Surgery 26.1%
Soft Tissue Disorder 21.7%
Tendon Graft 17.4%
Transplant 13.0%
Asthenia 4.3%
Infective Tenosynovitis 4.3%
Knee Arthroplasty 4.3%
Knee Operation 4.3%
Ligament Operation 4.3%
Post Procedural Infection 26.3%
Escherichia Infection 5.3%
Graft Infection 5.3%
Incisional Drainage 5.3%
Infection 5.3%
Joint Swelling 5.3%
Micrococcus Test Positive 5.3%
Mycobacterium Test Positive 5.3%
Postoperative Infection 5.3%
Product Quality Issue 5.3%
Serratia Infection 5.3%
Staphylococcus Test Positive 5.3%
Transmission Of An Infectious Agent Via A Medicinal Product 5.3%
Wound Infection Staphylococcal 5.3%
Wound Secretion 5.3%