
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Pyrexia 100.0%
Renal Impairment 66.7%
Hepatic Enzyme Increased 33.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 58.6%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 9.9%
Pain 4.8%
Analgesic Therapy 2.7%
Phantom Pain 2.6%
Pyrexia 2.6%
Hypertension 2.3%
Laparoscopy 2.0%
Back Pain 1.7%
Gastric Cancer 1.6%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 1.6%
Nausea 1.4%
Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia 1.3%
Prophylaxis Against Gastrointestinal Ulcer 1.3%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 1.2%
Prophylaxis 1.0%
Multiple Drug Overdose 0.9%
Trigeminal Neuralgia 0.9%
Arthritis 0.8%
Coronary Artery Disease 0.8%
Agranulocytosis 17.2%
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 10.1%
Kounis Syndrome 7.1%
Renal Failure 7.1%
Transaminases Increased 6.1%
Lip Oedema 5.1%
Pancytopenia 5.1%
Pancreatitis 4.0%
Pyrexia 4.0%
Stevens-johnson Syndrome 4.0%
Suicide Attempt 4.0%
Vomiting 4.0%
Wound Infection 4.0%
Death 3.0%
Stomatitis 3.0%
Suicidal Ideation 3.0%
Urine Porphobilinogen Increased 3.0%
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis 2.0%
Depressed Level Of Consciousness 2.0%
Drug Interaction 2.0%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 17.6%
Pain 16.4%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 10.2%
Hypertension 9.0%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 5.7%
Renal Failure Chronic 4.0%
Prophylaxis 3.9%
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 3.9%
Prostate Cancer 3.7%
Multiple Myeloma 3.6%
Back Pain 3.4%
Thrombosis Prophylaxis 2.8%
Nausea 2.7%
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2.2%
Osteoporosis 2.1%
Hiv Infection 2.0%
Depression 1.8%
Pneumonia 1.7%
Constipation 1.7%
Diabetes Mellitus 1.7%
Vomiting 9.7%
Sepsis 8.0%
Renal Failure 7.2%
Hepatic Enzyme Increased 6.8%
Fatigue 5.9%
Pain 5.9%
Pneumonia 5.1%
Respiratory Failure 5.1%
Rhabdomyolysis 4.6%
Narcotic Intoxication 4.2%
Somnolence 4.2%
Syncope 4.2%
Death 3.8%
Nausea 3.8%
Oedema Peripheral 3.8%
Transaminases Increased 3.8%
Urinary Tract Infection 3.8%
Anal Fissure 3.4%
Pyrexia 3.4%
Tachycardia 3.4%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 53.8%
Pain 19.2%
Heart Transplant 7.7%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 7.7%
Cardiomyopathy 3.8%
Cardiovascular Event Prophylaxis 3.8%
Hypertension 3.8%
Wound Infection 50.0%
Cardio-respiratory Arrest 25.0%
Drug Interaction 25.0%