
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 27.5%
Prostate Cancer 18.9%
Premedication 14.3%
Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer 11.7%
Hypertension 4.9%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 3.8%
Prophylaxis 3.4%
Diabetes Mellitus 3.0%
Atrial Fibrillation 1.5%
Bone Pain 1.5%
Hypercholesterolaemia 1.5%
Chemotherapy 1.1%
Constipation 1.1%
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease 1.1%
Anxiety 0.8%
Blood Glucose 0.8%
Blood Pressure 0.8%
Metastases To Bone 0.8%
Nausea 0.8%
Osteopenia 0.8%
Thrombocytopenia 16.9%
Death 10.2%
Sepsis 10.2%
Septic Shock 6.8%
Vomiting 6.8%
Haematuria 5.1%
Paraesthesia 5.1%
Pyrexia 5.1%
Syncope 5.1%
Enteritis 3.4%
Leukocytosis 3.4%
Nausea 3.4%
Neutropenia 3.4%
Paraplegia 3.4%
Pulmonary Embolism 3.4%
Anaphylactic Shock 1.7%
Angiopathy 1.7%
Bone Marrow Failure 1.7%
Cardiac Failure 1.7%
Central Nervous System Lesion 1.7%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 43.8%
Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer 10.8%
Premedication 8.8%
Prostate Cancer 7.8%
Prophylaxis 5.2%
Hypertension 4.6%
Bone Pain 3.9%
Diabetes Mellitus 2.9%
Anxiety 2.0%
Constipation 1.3%
Metastases To Bone 1.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 1.3%
Atrial Fibrillation 1.0%
Bronchospasm 1.0%
Neuralgia 1.0%
Pulmonary Embolism 1.0%
Vertigo 1.0%
Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus 0.7%
Coronary Artery Disease 0.3%
Hyperlipidaemia 0.3%
Septic Shock 16.7%
Pollakiuria 12.5%
Thrombocytopenia 12.5%
Death 8.3%
Paraplegia 6.3%
Sudden Death 6.3%
Haematuria 4.2%
Overdose 4.2%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 4.2%
Syncope 4.2%
Enteritis 2.1%
Fatigue 2.1%
Hypokalaemia 2.1%
Hypotonia 2.1%
Leukocytosis 2.1%
Leukopenia 2.1%
Nausea 2.1%
Neoplasm Progression 2.1%
Neuropathy Peripheral 2.1%
Neutropenia 2.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 31.6%
Prostate Cancer Metastatic 23.7%
Prostate Cancer 15.8%
Premedication 7.9%
Hypertension 5.3%
Prophylaxis 5.3%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 2.6%
Bone Cancer 2.6%
Metastases To Bone 2.6%
Pain 2.6%
Prostate Cancer 16.7%
Febrile Neutropenia 8.3%
Hypocalcaemia 8.3%
Incorrect Route Of Drug Administration 8.3%
Memory Impairment 8.3%
Osteonecrosis Of Jaw 8.3%
Tooth Extraction 8.3%
Toothache 8.3%
Transient Ischaemic Attack 8.3%
Vitamin D Decreased 8.3%
Weight Decreased 8.3%