
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Product Used For Unknown Indication 54.8%
Insomnia 23.1%
Middle Insomnia 14.3%
Terminal Insomnia 3.0%
Sleep Disorder 1.4%
Initial Insomnia 0.7%
Anxiety 0.4%
Depression 0.4%
Pain 0.3%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 0.3%
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder 0.2%
Atrial Fibrillation 0.1%
Bipolar Disorder 0.1%
Blood Cholesterol 0.1%
Contraception 0.1%
Dyslipidaemia 0.1%
Malaise 0.1%
Postpartum Depression 0.1%
Sleep Apnoea Syndrome 0.1%
Subdural Haematoma 0.1%
Drug Ineffective 44.7%
Incorrect Dose Administered 12.0%
Somnolence 6.8%
Inappropriate Schedule Of Drug Administration 5.8%
Drug Effect Decreased 3.9%
Product Taste Abnormal 3.7%
Drug Prescribing Error 3.3%
Incorrect Route Of Drug Administration 3.3%
Insomnia 2.4%
Wrong Technique In Drug Usage Process 2.1%
Headache 1.9%
Nightmare 1.6%
Fatigue 1.5%
Abnormal Dreams 1.3%
Feeling Abnormal 1.2%
Nausea 1.0%
Hallucination 0.9%
Product Solubility Abnormal 0.9%
Terminal Insomnia 0.9%
Drug Effect Incomplete 0.7%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 37.0%
Insomnia 34.6%
Middle Insomnia 11.1%
Anxiety 2.5%
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder 2.5%
Depression 2.5%
Terminal Insomnia 2.5%
Bipolar Disorder 1.2%
Initial Insomnia 1.2%
Malaise 1.2%
Pain 1.2%
Sleep Apnoea Syndrome 1.2%
Sleep Disorder 1.2%
Incorrect Dose Administered 46.6%
Drug Ineffective 10.3%
Wrong Technique In Drug Usage Process 8.6%
Drug Prescribing Error 6.9%
Product Taste Abnormal 5.2%
Drug Effect Decreased 3.4%
Inappropriate Schedule Of Drug Administration 3.4%
Intentional Overdose 3.4%
Somnolence 3.4%
Drug Effect Incomplete 1.7%
Fatigue 1.7%
Feeling Abnormal 1.7%
Middle Insomnia 1.7%
Unevaluable Event 1.7%