Hydrocodone (Hydrocodone)

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 100.0%
Multiple Drug Overdose Accidental 100.0%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 42.0%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 33.2%
Pain 7.5%
Ill-defined Disorder 4.9%
Drug Abuser 2.2%
Back Pain 1.3%
Completed Suicide 1.3%
Intentional Drug Misuse 1.3%
Multiple Sclerosis 1.3%
Accident At Work 0.4%
Breakthrough Pain 0.4%
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 0.4%
Convulsion 0.4%
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus 0.4%
Depression 0.4%
Drug Abuse 0.4%
Ear Infection 0.4%
Factor V Leiden Mutation 0.4%
Headache 0.4%
Intervertebral Disc Protrusion 0.4%
Respiratory Arrest 20.8%
Toxicity To Various Agents 9.4%
Unresponsive To Stimuli 7.5%
Completed Suicide 5.7%
Drug Abuse 5.7%
Drug Toxicity 5.7%
Multiple Drug Overdose Accidental 5.7%
Substance Abuse 5.7%
Accidental Overdose 3.8%
Drug Abuser 3.8%
Intentional Drug Misuse 3.8%
Pain In Extremity 3.8%
Vomiting 3.8%
Weight Decreased 3.8%
Bradycardia 1.9%
Bronchopneumonia 1.9%
Cholelithiasis 1.9%
Death 1.9%
Exposure Via Ingestion 1.9%
Incorrect Route Of Drug Administration 1.9%
Multiple Sclerosis 27.9%
Multiple Myeloma 10.2%
Depression 7.7%
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia 6.9%
Musculoskeletal Pain 5.0%
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 5.0%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 4.1%
Pain 3.9%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 3.9%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 3.3%
Head And Neck Cancer 3.0%
Ill-defined Disorder 3.0%
Arthralgia 2.2%
Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder 2.2%
Myelodysplastic Syndrome 2.2%
Back Pain 1.9%
Contraception 1.9%
Insomnia 1.9%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 1.9%
Hypertonic Bladder 1.7%
Vomiting 15.5%
Weight Decreased 9.5%
White Blood Cell Count Decreased 6.8%
Weight Increased 6.1%
Myocardial Infarction 5.4%
Pain 5.4%
Nausea 4.7%
Pulmonary Embolism 4.1%
Rash 4.1%
Somnolence 4.1%
Thrombosis 4.1%
Tremor 4.1%
Urticaria 4.1%
Mucosal Inflammation 3.4%
Pancreatitis 3.4%
Pancreatitis Acute 3.4%
Platelet Count Decreased 3.4%
Tachycardia 3.4%
Muscular Weakness 2.7%
Pneumonia 2.7%