
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Multiple Sclerosis 42.9%
Headache 21.4%
Restless Legs Syndrome 14.3%
Dermatitis Allergic 7.1%
Hypersensitivity 7.1%
Rash Pruritic 7.1%
Dyspnoea 33.3%
Muscle Twitching 33.3%
Urticaria 33.3%
Hypertension 12.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 10.4%
Fluid Replacement 7.9%
Pain 7.9%
Prophylaxis 7.9%
Thrombosis Prophylaxis 7.9%
Pruritus 5.4%
Anaesthesia 4.3%
Cholangitis 4.3%
Sedation 4.3%
Rash 3.9%
Psoas Abscess 3.2%
Infection 2.9%
Mineral Supplementation 2.9%
Parenteral Nutrition 2.9%
Peptic Ulcer 2.9%
Vomiting 2.9%
Constipation 2.1%
Hepatitis C 2.1%
Multiple Sclerosis 2.1%
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 33.3%
Renal Failure Acute 7.7%
Stevens-johnson Syndrome 7.7%
Anticholinergic Syndrome 5.1%
Atrial Tachycardia 5.1%
Stomatitis 5.1%
Alcohol Poisoning 2.6%
Asthenia 2.6%
Bradyphrenia 2.6%
Chest Pain 2.6%
Condition Aggravated 2.6%
Death 2.6%
Dysgeusia 2.6%
Dyspnoea 2.6%
Hypertensive Crisis 2.6%
Hypoaesthesia Oral 2.6%
Loss Of Consciousness 2.6%
Maternal Exposure During Pregnancy 2.6%
Muscle Twitching 2.6%
Personality Change 2.6%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 27.3%
Premedication 14.7%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 11.1%
Prophylaxis 8.4%
Hypertension 6.1%
Breast Cancer 5.7%
Pain 3.7%
Colorectal Cancer Metastatic 2.7%
Thrombosis Prophylaxis 2.3%
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 2.1%
Colon Cancer 1.8%
Diabetes Mellitus 1.8%
Nausea 1.8%
Pruritus 1.8%
Analgesic Therapy 1.7%
Infection 1.6%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 1.5%
Hypokalaemia 1.5%
Sleep Disorder 1.4%
Psoas Abscess 1.3%
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 11.9%
Thrombocytopenia 9.5%
Vomiting 7.5%
Stevens-johnson Syndrome 7.0%
Sepsis 6.5%
General Physical Health Deterioration 6.0%
Pyrexia 5.5%
Headache 5.0%
Renal Failure Acute 5.0%
Infection 4.5%
Swollen Tongue 4.5%
Death 4.0%
Neutropenia 4.0%
Neuromyelitis Optica 3.0%
Peritonitis 3.0%
Pulmonary Oedema 3.0%
Rash Pustular 3.0%
Dyspnoea 2.5%
Leukopenia 2.5%
Lung Infection 2.5%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 66.7%
Dementia Alzheimer's Type 33.3%
Restlessness 100.0%