
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Osteoporosis 27.3%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 18.2%
Blood Calcium Increased 13.6%
Hypercalcaemia 9.1%
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 4.5%
Bone Disorder 4.5%
Calcium Ionised Increased 4.5%
Hyperparathyroidism 4.5%
Pain 4.5%
Prophylaxis 4.5%
Seasonal Allergy 4.5%
Premature Baby 12.5%
Memory Impairment 8.3%
Premature Labour 8.3%
Accidental Exposure 4.2%
Angioedema 4.2%
Blood Glucose Increased 4.2%
Bone Cyst 4.2%
Fatigue 4.2%
Hip Fracture 4.2%
Medication Error 4.2%
No Therapeutic Response 4.2%
Parathyroid Gland Operation 4.2%
Pneumonia 4.2%
Product Quality Issue 4.2%
Product Substitution Issue 4.2%
Pruritus Generalised 4.2%
Rhinorrhoea 4.2%
Tinnitus 4.2%
Unequal Limb Length 4.2%
Vertigo 4.2%
Ill-defined Disorder 21.9%
Osteoporosis 14.1%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 12.5%
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 10.9%
Blood Calcium Increased 6.3%
Hypocalcaemia 4.7%
Arthritis 3.1%
Calcium Ionised Increased 3.1%
Hyperparathyroidism 3.1%
Hypertension 3.1%
Osteopenia 3.1%
Prophylaxis 3.1%
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 1.6%
Compression Fracture 1.6%
Hot Flush 1.6%
Hypercalcaemia 1.6%
Hypercalcaemia Of Malignancy 1.6%
Oedema 1.6%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 1.6%
Osteoporosis 10.0%
Parathyroid Gland Operation 10.0%
Premature Labour 10.0%
Spinal Fusion Surgery 10.0%
Anaemia 5.0%
Bone Cyst 5.0%
Dysuria 5.0%
Hypocalcaemia 5.0%
Hyponatraemia 5.0%
Metrorrhagia 5.0%
Migraine 5.0%
Nausea 5.0%
Tachypnoea 5.0%
Thrombocytopenia 5.0%
Ventricular Fibrillation 5.0%
Weight Increased 5.0%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 29.4%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 23.1%
Osteoporosis 13.8%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 4.4%
Pain 3.6%
Hypertension 3.0%
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease 2.9%
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 2.8%
Prophylaxis 1.9%
Atrial Fibrillation 1.7%
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1.6%
Plasma Cell Myeloma 1.6%
Asthma 1.5%
Multiple Myeloma 1.5%
Constipation 1.4%
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1.4%
Osteopenia 1.2%
Metastases To Bone 1.1%
Depression 1.0%
Anxiety 0.9%
Vomiting 21.3%
Wound Infection Staphylococcal 12.7%
Weight Decreased 10.0%
Pneumonia 6.7%
Weight Increased 5.3%
Rib Fracture 4.7%
Myocardial Infarction 4.0%
Pyrexia 4.0%
Spinal Compression Fracture 4.0%
Wound Drainage 4.0%
Pain In Extremity 3.3%
Death 2.7%
Renal Failure 2.7%
Spinal Osteoarthritis 2.7%
Cardiac Disorder 2.0%
Osteonecrosis 2.0%
Pancytopenia 2.0%
Pelvic Fracture 2.0%
Pruritus 2.0%
Pulmonary Embolism 2.0%