
Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Glaucoma 76.5%
Open Angle Glaucoma 11.8%
Dry Eye 5.9%
Intraocular Pressure Increased 5.9%
Drug Exposure During Pregnancy 12.0%
Asthma 8.0%
Intraocular Pressure Increased 8.0%
Maternal Drugs Affecting Foetus 8.0%
Reaction To Drug Excipients 8.0%
Anosmia 4.0%
Asphyxia 4.0%
Bradycardia 4.0%
Chest Discomfort 4.0%
Drug Interaction 4.0%
Medication Error 4.0%
Muscular Weakness 4.0%
Myalgia 4.0%
Oedema Peripheral 4.0%
Retinal Detachment 4.0%
Scotoma 4.0%
Tremor 4.0%
Visual Acuity Reduced 4.0%
Wheezing 4.0%
Glaucoma 43.5%
Intraocular Pressure Increased 22.7%
Open Angle Glaucoma 16.2%
Ill-defined Disorder 7.8%
Hypertension 3.9%
Punctate Keratitis 1.9%
Diabetes Mellitus 1.3%
Dry Eye 0.6%
Hypertonia 0.6%
Hyperuricaemia 0.6%
Prostate Cancer 0.6%
Tinnitus 19.5%
Keratitis Herpetic 9.8%
Medication Error 9.8%
Intraocular Pressure Increased 7.3%
Reaction To Drug Excipients 7.3%
Ulcerative Keratitis 7.3%
Eye Pain 4.9%
Vision Blurred 4.9%
Corneal Oedema 2.4%
Drug Ineffective 2.4%
Drug Interaction 2.4%
Eye Irritation 2.4%
Haematochezia 2.4%
Lacrimation Increased 2.4%
Loss Of Consciousness 2.4%
Ocular Discomfort 2.4%
Ocular Hyperaemia 2.4%
Punctate Keratitis 2.4%
Tachycardia 2.4%
Thinking Abnormal 2.4%
Glaucoma 24.5%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 23.7%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 6.0%
Osteoporosis 5.2%
Hypertension 4.9%
Asthma 3.9%
Osteopenia 3.1%
Breast Cancer 2.9%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 2.6%
Metastases To Bone 2.6%
Pain 2.6%
Cardiac Failure Congestive 2.3%
Diabetes Mellitus 2.3%
Arthritis 2.1%
Dry Eye 2.1%
Atrial Fibrillation 1.8%
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1.8%
Depression 1.8%
Gastrooesophageal Reflux Disease 1.8%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 1.8%
Visual Acuity Reduced 10.8%
Wheezing 9.2%
Syncope 7.7%
Eyelid Infection 6.2%
Sopor 6.2%
Weight Decreased 6.2%
Cardiac Failure Congestive 4.6%
Hallucination 4.6%
Macular Degeneration 4.6%
Meningitis Bacterial 4.6%
Sinusitis 4.6%
Sleep Disorder 4.6%
Vomiting 4.6%
Blood Pressure Increased 3.1%
Chest Pain 3.1%
Diarrhoea 3.1%
Eye Irritation 3.1%
Eyelid Oedema 3.1%
Fall 3.1%
Gait Disturbance 3.1%