Amlodipine (Unknown)

Indications and Reactions:

Role Indications Reactions
Product Used For Unknown Indication 70.6%
Hypertension 16.9%
Blood Pressure 1.6%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 1.0%
Blood Pressure Increased 1.0%
Hepatitis C 0.8%
Metabolic Syndrome 0.8%
Muscle Spasms 0.8%
Retroviral Infection 0.8%
Spinal Anaesthesia 0.8%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 0.8%
Anxiety 0.5%
Cerebrovascular Accident 0.5%
Depression 0.5%
Diabetes Mellitus 0.5%
Dyspepsia 0.5%
Epilepsy 0.5%
Mineral Supplementation 0.5%
Accidental Exposure To Product By Child 0.3%
Anaemia 0.3%
Completed Suicide 33.9%
Loose Tooth 5.1%
Pain In Extremity 5.1%
Vision Blurred 5.1%
Death 3.4%
Erectile Dysfunction 3.4%
Headache 3.4%
Hypotension 3.4%
Joint Swelling 3.4%
Local Swelling 3.4%
Loss Of Consciousness 3.4%
Malaise 3.4%
Muscle Spasms 3.4%
Oedema Peripheral 3.4%
Overdose 3.4%
Somnolence 3.4%
Visual Impairment 3.4%
Weight Increased 3.4%
Back Pain 1.7%
Breast Pain 1.7%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 68.9%
Hypertension 16.7%
Drug Use For Unknown Indication 3.2%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 2.7%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 1.8%
Coronary Artery Disease 1.4%
Blood Pressure 0.9%
Osteoarthritis 0.9%
Abdominal Discomfort 0.5%
Hypercholesterolaemia 0.5%
Hypothyroidism 0.5%
Muscle Spasms 0.5%
Rheumatoid Arthritis 0.5%
Sinusitis 0.5%
Supraventricular Tachycardia 0.5%
Thrombosis Prophylaxis 0.5%
Completed Suicide 22.2%
Vomiting 13.9%
Renal Disorder 8.3%
Myalgia 5.6%
Oedema Peripheral 5.6%
Renal Failure Acute 5.6%
Deep Vein Thrombosis 2.8%
Diabetes Mellitus 2.8%
Dysgeusia 2.8%
Eczema 2.8%
Epistaxis 2.8%
Lichenoid Keratosis 2.8%
Liver Function Test Abnormal 2.8%
Memory Impairment 2.8%
Neuropathy Peripheral 2.8%
Osteoarthritis 2.8%
Pancreatitis Necrotising 2.8%
Paraesthesia 2.8%
Peroneal Nerve Palsy 2.8%
Presyncope 2.8%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 46.7%
Hypertension 13.3%
Arrhythmia Prophylaxis 6.7%
Blood Cholesterol Increased 6.7%
Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease 6.7%
Hypercholesterolemia 6.7%
Off Label Use 6.7%
Pulmonary Tuberculosis 6.7%
Angioedema 7.1%
Cataract 7.1%
Confusional State 7.1%
Glomerular Filtration Rate Decreased 7.1%
Hallucination 7.1%
Hot Flush 7.1%
Hypersensitivity Vasculitis 7.1%
Myocardial Infarction 7.1%
Myoclonus 7.1%
Orthopnoea 7.1%
Renal Failure Acute 7.1%
Syncope 7.1%
Urticaria 7.1%
Vision Blurred 7.1%
Hypertension 41.7%
Product Used For Unknown Indication 41.7%
Diuretic Therapy 8.3%
Hypercholesterolaemia 8.3%
Vomiting 50.0%
White Blood Cell Count Increased 50.0%